Favorite Cues & What would you like for me to know? No. 4

teaching themes Feb 07, 2022

I was taking my friend's yoga class.  A new student arrived and my friend asked the student  “Is there anything that you would like for me to know about your practice?”   

It was so welcoming of my friend to invite the student to speak first rather than immediately ask this student whether he/she/they had any injuries or issues that might curtail his/her/their ability to do the entire Yoga class.  

When asked this question, “ Is there anything that you would like for me to know about your practice?” a student might have something positive to say, i.e. I feel really motivated and energized today.  This is my first class ever! Or a student might appreciate having been asked and given the opportunity to explain.  For the instructor, it is helpful to know what limitations a student might have - it is imperative at times.  However  - so much can be gained from giving the student the benefit of the doubt and to let the student enter without feeling judged. 

Usually, I start my classes by telling my students to be mindful or to assess where and how their bodies feel right now, and to make any needed modifications or additions to the exercises in order to make the class their own.  I want the students to walk out at the end of class feeling better than when they walked in. 

On a more quizzical note, I am always thinking about verbal cues to use while teaching. 

Cues can be anatomical ~ sit balanced on your sit bones

Cues can be based on how something feels ~  Corset in your waist 

Cues can be visual ~ Imagine that your arms are hanging like empty coat sleeves 

I thought it might be fun for me to LIST my top three FAVORITE cues - that can be done in any position - standing, sitting, and lying down.  Those of you who take my classes or do private lessons with me will likely recognise all of them!   

My three favorite cues: 

Strength is Length

Melt your Heart center

Make your Glutes Smile

You can adopt these THREE cues - and test yourself while standing in line at the grocery store, sitting at your desk and lying in bed! 

Strength is Length 

While standing - get tall as you possibly can -and see how you feel.  Try to balance on one foot and maintain that height.

While sitting -reach your tail, like a plumb line down towards the ground while reaching the crown of your head to the sky. Try marching your legs.

While lying in bed -  as you inhale, pull your back body into the mattress and on the exhale lift your abdominals without changing the length of your spine. Try marching. 

Melt your Heart Center 

Inhale into the length of your spine and width of your ribcage on the exhale drop your sternum and connect your rib cage to your spine. 

Make your Glutes Smile

 Stand with your feet hip bone distant apart. Your knees are straight but not locked, your hips are directly over your feet,  draw your abdominals up as you pull your sit bones together, bringing your pelvis in vertical alignment,  and MAKE YOUR GLUTES smile.

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